Sunday, December 8, 2013

Ruben's Thing: Self Five!

Self Five

Self-affirmation is a bit of a tired phrase in my ongoing mental dialogue; a topic whose characteristics morph depending on its stimulation- my or others' social interactions. However it's something I keep falling back to- I keep tracing people's behaviors back to this one idea of whether or not self-affirmation is productive.

It can manifest itself in many ways, one being shown above (sorry if this format breaks the rules of the blog- the media being determined by the writing, not vice-versa) as a way to either damage-control after an injurious incident, or to draw attention to oneself after some form of success. A third, more frightening version to me, is the preparatory sense, where the person fills up their cup, or reinforces their esteem for a situation or time period. This seems to be a product of dangerously low self-esteem and a lack of trust in oneself to make it through any difficulties a day might present.

Now my real question becomes "Is there validity or necessity for self-affirmation in my life?" because it looks pretty damn goofy.  Am I above having the need, or even benefitting from saying "I think I can, I think I can" over and over with growing intensity until it turns out I actually CAN become Super Saiyan? Is patting myself on the back helping me progress as a person, or is it hindering how seriously I can take myself, and therefore holding me back from thinking on a higher level?

I apologize because this post is hardly conclusive, I'll tell you that now. But it is something I've been thinking about more and more as stress and hormones slowly deteriorate the kids around me into teary, broken down children who are too caught-up. Affluence is another issue for another, slightly different blog, but I hope this makes sense, and is something somewhat relatable, however divergent it is from the agreed structure of the blog.

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